You don't have to get yourself into debt for the things you need to launch a startup. You can start from zero and get off the ground organically . Divide the journey into phases, and use the successful completion of each phase to bootstrap the next. I. Write a Roadmap Start by envisioning where you want to end up, then plan what you need in order to get there. For example, you might want to end up with a registered trademark, employees, a legal corporation, and your own office building. You don't need to run out and try to obtain all four of these things on day one. Consider which things depend on others. For example, you could hypothetically get a registered trademark and employees before you form a legal corporation, but you might want to form the corporation before you purchase a building. II. Align Phases with Milestones Set a specific goal that you intend to accomplish with each phase. For example: You might start in January, and set milestone in your roadmap,